A Few Recent Projects
Some of these are a little bit old, but unless it’s something specific or much more awesome, I’ll probably touch on it here.
Art Party was the other night in our apartment. After a few cups of coffee, I had progressed relatively far on my first “complete” drawing for my studio class. My priorities are all screwed up with my internship taking a lot of my free time, and the children’s book illustrations zapping some of it too. It’s also difficult to concentrate on my Drawing major when I want to Design when I get out of school. That would have been nice to realize a year or two ago, huh?
These are just a few pictures of my first portrait and its progression. Some of the anatomy is just really off, and as usual I’m not very pleased. But this was good enough to bring to critique and show/prove to the class that I really do work in my spare time (on design though, but that’s a secret). This particular piece hasn’t progressed much past what you can see in the second picture, but I think that’s for the best. I’ve recently started a bit of a different approach to drawing the figure. It’s a little warmer and less stiff, so this might be torn apart or deconstructed to use somewhere else. Both seem like good ideas to me!
Besides that, I also worked on a Valentines Day portrait for my friends Nikita and Eric. I am very pleased with how it turned out, and I am even more pleased that Nikita liked her surprise and I could do this for such good friends and people.
The two following pictures are from my Nikita//Eric work-in-progress and then the awesome “completion” step!
As I mentioned at the beginning, these are all kind of old pieces, so I have many more new things to show everyone. These projects are all important, though, and took a good chunk of my free time! I am still getting used to blogging on a regular basis again, and I think it’s a really good habit to get into to mark my own progress. So, the next few blogs will include many more recent pieces.
What has everyone else been working on lately? Be sure to tell me either here or on Twitter, I’d love to hear what else is going on around me!
Also, stay updated for a community sort of project I would love to do. I’m in bookmaking right now, and I have an awesome idea for pages in a book I want to assemble.
Hope everyone has a good night (in my case), or a good morning if you sleep at regular hours unlike myself!
-Alyssa Lee