Feature, Product, Reverb, Web

The Variants

Hero Banner Interactions

Developer Handoff & Documentation

Landscape Analysis

Logged Out Homepage

The Hypothesis

Our existing logged out homepage contained multitudes of content and felt busy and unfocused, according to user interviews.

The team hypothesized that by simplifying the Logged Out Homepage to focus on the key actions of Favoriting (and, by extension, account creation), search, and app downloads, we can grow daily active users.

The Results

While we learned from the experiment, it did not meet the project goals and was rolled back for further iteration.

We hypothesize there was a decline in key metrics simply because there were less listings than the control.

Although mobile web performed favorably, desktop web generated more web traffic and its performance did not meet expectations. Both expanded and slim versions showed significant lift for signups, however showed declines in other key actions.

Using learnings and inferences from this first pass, a second pass was released two months later which eliminated some white space and introduced more curated rows. It was ultimately rolled forward.

The Team

Product Design Director: Raphy Fedida
Product Manager
: Colleen McClowry
Developer: Natalee Anfuso


Reverb, Engage Team

significant lift
for desktop signups in both variants

in DAUs for both mobile web and desktop

significant lift
for key actions of Favoriting, Searching, and Listing Purchases on mobile web

in key actions of Favoriting, Searching, and Listing Purchases on desktop