How to Sell in the Reverb App
How to Sell in the Reverb App
The Story
So excited to share my first, fully animated video for Reverb!
Six months ago, I’d open Adobe After Effects, immediately get intimidated, and then I’d hop on the group chat and complain about how that program seemed impossible.
All it took was a tiny bit of patience and one late night with some coffee for me to get over that hump and “get” the program. It wasn’t impossible, just unfamiliar!
It’s like how learning HTML and CSS was for me–it simply did not compute, until one day, it clicked! I’ve told everyone how I took (and dropped out of) my web design classes twice in college before I gave it one last try and it all made sense.
I’m not sure what about this finally clicked for me, but I’m so happy it did. I’m happy to be a stubborn Aries who continually revisits things I’ve been… well, less successful at, because it’s lead to me to really learn and understand and love those skills. This was a really refreshing reminder of how fun it is to learn something new!
So–what’s next?
The Team
Storyboard, Animation: Alyssa Lee Welch
Sound Design: John Gagen
YouTube Bumper: Ryan Troy Ford
Scripting: Doug Saltzman