App, Product, Reverb, Web

The Variants: Web

The Variants: iOS and Android

Interaction Patterns

Hoist Save Search

The Hypothesis

We believe exposing “Save Search” at the top of CSPs (so that it’s consistently part of the search grid) will increase Favorites adoption, ultimately driving engagement (DAU) by increasing personalized experiences.

The Results

The experiment was successful and ultimately rolled forward.

As a result of surfacing the iconography higher on the page, we saw a significant increase in Favorites engagement with lapsed buyers and logged in users.

The Team

Product Design Director: Raphy Fedida
Product Manager
: Colleen McClowry
Developer: Stephen Drew


Reverb, Engage Team

active DAUs and sign-ups on web

significant lift
in listing purchases on logged out Android users

increase in Favorite engagement on iOS

increase in sign ups on iOS