I’m Teaching a Figure Drawing Class!
I’m very excited to announce that this Spring, I will begin teaching a monthly figure drawing class at the Vogt Visual Arts Center in Tinley Park.
Some people do yoga to relax, some people watch reality TV, but I prefer figure drawing. (Well, in addition to yoga and reality TV, of course.) The feeling of putting on some good music and zoning in on the intricacies of the human body is indescribable.
Join me for the first workshop on February 15th at 7:30PM. The price for two hours of drawing from a live model will be $12 for Tinley Park residents, and $16 otherwise. We’ll go through warm-up exercises and gestural drawings before moving to long-form sessions. Participants will have the chance to interact with the instructor (myself), ask questions, and get personal feedback on anatomy and technique. Most importantly, we’ll be playing great music, enjoying late night coffee and snacks, and being creative together. Music suggestions? Comment below.
I’m looking forward to facilitating an awesome experience. I truly feel like live model drawing classes helped me grow so much as an artist, and I hope it’ll help my students, too. Head here to register for the class, and I’ll see you on the first Wednesday of the month!