Square Foot Canvas Show
The other night, my roommate Sandra and I remembered that our square foot canvases were due the next day. About a month before, we’d each bought a blank square foot canvas from our school’s NAEA. Of course, I’d intended to do something really sweet, but instead procrastinated/waited until the night before to paint it, art-student-style.
This is the reference picture I found on StockXChange to use, and here is how I left it that night. Photographed in my little stress corner, with all my paint and markers and art supplies. Feel free to compliment the catbag.
I wasn’t incredibly happy with what I finished in the night before, so between my Monday classes, I added some ink over the acrylic for extra detail. I am SO much happier with how it looks with the ink over it. Sandra and I took pictures of our square foot canvases together and turned these bad boys in on the 24th of February.
Yesterday was the Square Foot Canvas Show for NAEA, the art education majors organization/club/thing. I hadn’t been able to see what everyone else had entered, but they were all really great! It was really cool to see what my friends had entered, and mine had even sold by the end of the night.
On top of that, it was a nice event. Other than getting turned around (as usual) on Peoria’s one-way “city” streets, I managed to find the venue. Inside, not only was my roommate there and our art-party friends, but a lot of grad students made it out as well (a few had pieces entered) along with teachers, some peoples’ family, and the community.
I haven’t painted in a long time, so it was really fun to do something different and get back into my landscape mode! I just want to draw more barns and scenery now, but with my show coming up, I guess I should probably stay focused on my figure work. All in all a good/fun experience, and it put $25 bucks back in my pocket and a line on my resume. Great success haha
If you happen to be reading this from the Peoria or Central Illinois Area, the gallery is on Adams Street and will be hanging until mid-March, I believe. Worth a look-see!
-Alyssa Lee