My Dribbble Picks, September 2016
If there’s one website I use as a constant source of inspiration, it’s got to be Dribbble. Whether I’m looking for inspiration from a color palette or a style reference or typography goals, I always find exactly what I’m looking for, usually a little more, and with an incredible animated gif thrown in here and there. Check out a few of my favorite shots from September below:

01: MIDDLEWAVES by Dan Cassaro
02: 1 jeans 1 butt by Kikillo™ Serrano
03: Tentacool is eating an ice cream too big for him (._.’) by Tino Valentin
04: Logo and packaging design: cosmetics by Urszula Krasny
05: Circles by Jake Manitz
06: Fox by Skirmantas Raila
07: Lot Riot Drum Pattern by Michael Forrest
08: Space Cadet by Rigo Ortiz
09: Cats Pattern by Elena Popova
If you find that you spend an unhealthy amount of time perusing Dribbble, share a favorite shot or two below. I’d love to see what inspires everyone else! (Extra points if you share a shot of mine.)