My Dribbble Picks, August 2016
If there’s one website I use as a constant source of inspiration, it’s got to be Dribbble. Whether I’m looking for inspiration from a color palette or a style reference or typography goals, I always find exactly what I’m looking for, usually a little more, and with an incredible animated gif thrown in here and there. I thought it’d be fun to share a few shots I stumbled across last month. I’ve very much enjoyed, and was so inspired by, the aforementioned pieces that it was only logical to share. Check out a few of my favorite shots from August below:

It’s fairly obvious that I’m a fan of a loose, expressive sketch, so it makes sense that I’m attracted to the pieces by Cat Graff and Lukas Bischoff. The others get points for being smart, funny, and just plain pretty. Head on over to Dribbble, and give these shots a good ol’ fashioned “like”.
If you find that you spend an unhealthy amount of time perusing Dribbble (like myself), share a favorite shot or two below. I’d love to see what inspires everyone else!