Hello all! I just thought I’d update with some sneak peaks of the projects I’ve been working on for Crittenton. Also, this is my first official WordPress ArtBlog <3 touching.
These are all small illustrations (maybe four inches by four) meant to be on a blank page accompanying type. The two people I’m working with asked for me to draw some vibrant, exciting vegetables that would appeal to a child. They’re curved and saturated and the watercolor background hopefully emphasizes their energy. The chard is a little awkward, but I just wanted to mix green and pink watercolor! In reality, maybe I will leave that out of the book. And by maybe, I mean most likely.
I was also supposed to make some logos for the book that could stand by themselves now, but have the potential to work as a book series logo. I gave them six to choose from, but these are my three favorites.
By the way, children’s book logos were actually a lot more complicated than I thought they would be. They’re just something I am not used to! I like designing logos for bands, for restaurants called “Martini Joy”, but I feel like this type of logo needs to be colorful, different, and maybe less… creative? As in it just needs to be a single line of type. I can’t really explain, but it was definitely a good exercise!
Otherwise, I finished a few portraits recently, I’ll have to post about them in my next entry. And also.. well, just a lot of other work in general! Busy busy busy, but I love it. Also, I’m currently facing some issues with my senior thesis show, but that’s for another time as well haha Until then, everyone, be creative : ]
-Alyssa Lee