I’m very excited to announce that this Spring, I will begin teaching a monthly figure drawing class at the Vogt Visual Arts Center in Tinley Park. Some people do yoga to relax, some people [...]
I’ve always wanted to do a 365 “doodle-a-day” project but never really found anything that I could stick to. A year-long project always seemed like a good way to force myself [...]
As my show is fast approaching, I’m working really hard on balancing keeping my grades up in my other classes, my internship, my job at Subway (which I might be quitting soon), and [...]
I have been working non-stop over my Spring Break on the illustrations for the Crittenton Centers. I needed to e-mail them with my progress today, so I thought I’d post a little about where [...]
It’s been a while since I’ve scanned my diaries, and I still have a million piling up to draw! I just thought I’d share my daily thoughts and happenings before I forget. [...]
Between my Crittenton illustrations, my internship, midterms, and a fun case of mono, I’ve had to keep in mind that I need to keep producing work for my show in April. It’s been hard [...]
Well hello there, everyone! I haven’t been progressing on this as fast as I would like, but school is so demanding right now! Aside from that though, I’ve been trying to get some [...]
Hello all! I just thought I’d update with some sneak peaks of the projects I’ve been working on for Crittenton. Also, this is my first official WordPress ArtBlog <3 touching. These [...]